GaL-AA Policies & Practices
In order to be responsible, trusted servants, the GaL-AA Executive Committee promises to adhere to the following best practices:
Statement of Inclusion
GaL-AA exists to serve and have the involvement of lesbians, gay men, bisexuals, transgenders, queers and others in Alcoholics Anonymous, regardless of how they choose to identify themselves. GaL-AA embraces all LGBTQ+ members of the AA Fellowship.
Internet Guidelines
Gal-AA observes the principles and Traditions of Alcoholics Anonymous on our website or with other internet-based communications. Since anonymity is “the spiritual foundation of all our Traditions”, we practice anonymity on our website at all times. The website is a public medium and therefore requires the same safeguards that are used at the level of press, radio and film. In all matters, we rely on the shared experience of A.A. members in various service areas which is available to us through the publication “A.A. Guidelines “on the Internet.
​​Editorial Policy
The oversight for the GaL-AA Newsletter and the GaL-AA website is the responsibility of the GaL-AA Executive Committee. AA members, groups and roundups may make copies of materials for local distribution. We invite articles, letters, questions, suggestions and comments.
In keeping with the traditions, GaL-AA is self-supporting, accepting contributions from AA individuals, AA meetings and AA groups. Monies are not accepted from outside the fellowship (non-AA members, other 12 step programs, treatment facilities, non-AA groups, roundups and clubs). The maximum annual contribution by an individual is $7,500.