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  • Writer's pictureJim D

Join our team!

You are Invited to Join the GAYEST Committee in Alcoholics Anonymous

GaL-AA is having open elections in October 2024 for the following positions:

  • Chairperson

  • Treasurer

  • Advisor I

  • Advisor III

In addition to the elected positions listed above, we are currently seeking candidates to fill the following appointed position.  The same general qualifications will apply for this position as are required for the elected positions listed above.  We are also planning to use the same time line for filling this position.  Appointment is for one (1) year and is renewable.

  • Web/Technical Liaison

Since 1980, GaL-AA has been serving the members of the LGBTQ+ community in AA by:

  • Being their voice to the Worldwide General Service Organization

  • Facilitating, communicating, and connecting the LGBTQ+ community to activities such as LGBTQ+ roundups and AA meetings

  • Hosting the hospitality suite and dance at the AA International Convention.

All information on the election, open positions, the election process and timeline can be found below.

You are eligible to submit your name if you have:

  • Three (3) years’ continuous sobriety

  • Submission of a brief resume of previous service work in AA (for election bio)

  • Acceptance of a two (2) year commitment to GaL-AA

  • Are a member of GaL-AA


Each position has specific responsibilities which can be found on our website We meet virtually each month except for the 1-2 times a year we meet in person. When we meet in person, attend roundups or the international convention, hotel rooms and registration fees are covered by the committee (you are responsible for transportation, food and incidentals).

Timeline for the Election Process

  • Submit your service resume by August 30, 2024 to .

  • The slate of candidates will be approved at the September 4, 2024 committee meeting.

  • Slate of candidates and their bios will be shared with GaL-AA Members September 18, 2024

  • Open election will be held from October 16 to 30, 2024

  • New committee members will be announced at our annual meeting on November 2, 2024

  • Your term will start January 1, 2025

 Role specific requirements (in addition to above) 

  • Chair:  Be able to demonstrate leadership and organizational skills. 

  • Treasurer:  Be able to demonstrate knowledge and experience with good financial management practices, be able to show working knowledge and experience with QuickBooks. 

  • Advisor I:  Be able to demonstrate marketing skills and newsletter preparation skills.  Should be able to show working knowledge of MS Publisher. 

  • Advisor III:  Should be able to demonstrate an ability to work well with others, should be able to demonstrate good written and oral communication skills, and organizational ability.  

  • Web/tech Liaison:  Submission of a resume showing training, experience and a working knowledge of Website maintenance, Google Workspace, MailChimp, Google Forms. 

If you’re interested in standing for any of the positions, send your service resume to by the August 30, 2024 deadline. If you would like more information, contact any of the members of the committee, who are listed below. 

Executive Committee Chairperson:  Hilde M.,, Stoneham, MA, DOS: 4/3/1980 

Deputy Chair:  Solis R.,, Austin, TX, DOS: 1/1/1988 

Secretary:  Mark P.,, Beverly, MA, DOS: 4/21/2005 

Treasurer:  Jim D.,, Atlanta, GA, DOS: 5/22/2007 

Advisor I:  Jeff T.,, Cleveland, OH, DOS: 1/1/1979 

Advisor Il:  Vincent B.,, Cathedral City, CA,   DOS: 6/7/1990 

Advisor III:  Dale W.,, Vancouver, BC, DOS: 5/3/1989 

Web/Technical Liaison:  Gary C.,, Royal Oak, MI,  DOS: 6/1/1991 

GSO Liaison:  Pierre B.,, Atlanta, GA, DOS: 1/4/1994 

Archivist:  James R.,, Atlanta, GA, DOS: 2/27/1980 


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