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2S - A Designation that Has Existed for a Long Time but Some May Not Be Familiar With - Solis R.

Hi. My name is Solis and I’m an Alcoholic. I might add in this rare instance, a Native American, Alcoholic.


When attending the upcoming International Convention in 2025, Vancouver BC Canada, July 3-6 you may see printed materials and directories noting the designation LGBTQ2S+. This may be new to some but the “2S” has a long history throughout North America and we are joining our friends in the Canadian fellowship to utilize a term more common to the North of the U.S.


The Importance of the 2S Designation to the Indigenous Community


The 2S designation, which stands for Two-Spirit, is a vital identity within many Indigenous cultures across North America. It is more than a sexual or gender identity; it is a deeply rooted cultural and spiritual designation that holds historical and contemporary significance. Recognizing and respecting the 2S designation is essential in acknowledging Indigenous traditions, fostering inclusivity, and supporting the well-being of Two-Spirit individuals within their communities and society at large. The 2S designation does several things simultaneously. It acknowledges an identity which at once, both transcends and connects gender and sexuality.


Cultural and Historical Significance


The term Two-Spirit was coined in 1990 at the Third Annual Intertribal Native American, First Nations, Gay and Lesbian American Conference in Winnipeg, Canada. However, the concept predates colonial influence, as many Indigenous nations have long recognized and respected individuals who embodied both masculine and feminine spirits. These individuals often held special roles as healers, mediators, or knowledge keepers within their communities. The 2S designation is thus deeply connected to traditional Indigenous beliefs and values, countering colonial narratives that attempted to erase or suppress gender and sexual diversity.


Healing and Community Well-Being


A crucial aspect of the 2S designation is its role in healing and community well-being. Colonial systems, such as residential schools and forced assimilation policies, disrupted Indigenous cultural frameworks and often led to the stigmatization of Two-Spirit identities. Reclaiming and celebrating Two-Spirit identities fosters healing by reconnecting individuals with their cultural heritage and traditional roles. This process contributes to the overall well-being of Indigenous communities by reinforcing values of respect, balance, and interconnectedness.


In the past I too have felt trapped by the somewhat binary descriptions we assign to both feminine and masculine, aggressive and passive sexual roles, male and female gender descriptions and the like. Because many of these identities fall in a continuum which can even vary, relational to a particular point in our lives or coming out process, I too appreciate the 2S designation when referring to myself among friends. They’ve come to appreciate the many ways I’m (traditionally) masculine and (traditionally) feminine. Tradition noted in parentheses because who knows or even has the right to decide what category a trait is. 


I hope you’ll join Gal-AA and the Vancouver LGBTQ2S+ Committee in becoming familiar with this terminology. It will both acknowledge the challenge among indigenous people who had these designations before others settled here and in the process may have taken their identities away. We also celebrate that it restores a little humanity back to the identities of people who aren’t necessarily indigenous but identify with the way describes them as well. Thank you.

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