Contribution Options
Please support GaL-AA and its mission to support LGBTQ+ in Alcoholics Anonymous throughout the world.
Please include group name and a contact email on all contributions, if applicable

Scan here
preferred method
By Check
Send checks with group name and email to:
9450 SW Gemini Dr. #45287
Beaverton, OR 97008
Text galaa to 44321

or click here
Scan here

In keeping with the traditions, GaL-AA is self-supporting, accepting contributions from AA individuals, AA meetings and AA groups. Monies are not accepted from outside the fellowship (non-AA members, other 12 step programs, treatment facilities, non-AA groups, roundups and clubs). The maximum annual contribution by an individual is $7,500.
GaL-AA, EIN 27-2507455, is a not for profit, tax exempt organization as described in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code